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Cracked front tooth
Dental Implant to replace cracked tooth

Implant to replace black spaces

Implant bridge.jpg

implant bridge.jpg
implant bridge all on six implants

Implant crown to replace missing tooth

Chipped crowns
Conservative smile correction

Implant Bridge
Bridge on six dental implants

Ortho before and after
Correction of upper and lower spacing

Implant retained bridge

Denture before

Traditional Dentures After

Single Dental Implant
Single Implant to replace missing tooth

Implant with temporary restoration

Immediate Dentures Before

Immediate Dentures After

Crown and bridge before

Crown and Bridge After

Veneers Before

Veneers After

Bridge before

Bridge After

Before Invisalign treatment

After Invisalign

Veneers before

Veneers After

Bone augmentation before

Bone augmentation after

Fractured tooth

Fractured tooth after

Immediate Implant and crown

crowns and bridge.jpg
Crrowns and bridges

All on 4 implant bridge
Implant bridge

All on 4 study model
Implant retained bridge

Upper and lower front teeth made with implants

Un-erupted lateral incisors
Cosmetics to replace un-erupted lateral incisors.

Single implants
Implants to replace missing teeth


Extraction and implant retained bridge
Full mouth extractions then implant retained bridge

All on X lower jaw
Implants and bridge to replace missing lower teeth

Severe Grinding
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